The following 4 projects will help Adopt History achieve its goals.
- Memorial Day is hardly more than a day off for the first BBQ weekend of the summer for most
- Attendance at National Cemeteries across the US are embarrassingly low
- Children are not effectively being taught the importance of Memorial Day nor the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day
- Veteran’s Day is hardly observed or celebrated
- Counterpoint - Margraten, Netherlands
- Annual fundraising event that will allow people to “Adopt” a grave at a National Cemetery for $25
- The adoptions will be recognized with a ceremonial floral wreath presented at each participating National Cemetery on Memorial Day on behalf of the donors
- Portion of each adoption will be donated to designated, participating National Cemeteries
- Remaining proceeds will be used to fund all of Adopt History’s projects
- 2019 will launch with all 130+ National Cemeteries with close to 4.5M graves
- No relevant way for US Veterans and their community to share information about those who served in a social media type setting
- Easy Wiki format will allow for easy upload of all forms of content from text to pictures and even video
- Leveraging latest technology will allow the platform to connect content (eg – facial recognition software to identify unknown people in pictures)
- Decentralized information in repositories such as the WWII Museum Veterans database, the National Archives, the VA Department
- Create an easy to use Wiki-type platform that will allow US Veterans and their friends, family and colleagues to post relevant content regarding their service
- will be a permanent archive of the US Veteran to be shared as part of their legacy for serving
- Create localized teams to assist any US Veteran in creating and uploading information to the platform
- Work with other repositories to centralize information about each US Veteran in one platform
- Additional information sourcing easily added as more information is requested or discovered with sensitivity to privacy and confidentiality
- No easy way for Veterans to search for services and organizations whose purpose is to serve and assist US Veterans
- AChallenging to manage programs that a US Veteran may want to take advantage of due to fragmentation
- Lack of centralized information across various organizations
- Lack of community amongst those volunteers and organizations that look to serve US Veterans
- Single portal that contains ALL US Veteran focused organizations but easily searchable by services provided and/or location
- Create a community amongst the 45,000+ US Veteran focused organizations in the US to provide a concerted, efficient effort to serve Veterans
- Community boards that will list upcoming events, activities, and volunteer opportunities across the US
- Provide technical support for organizations with things like Single Sign-on and SEO
- Create local conferences for all organizations to be present for meet and greet opportunities
- Centralized marketing opportunities and synergy for campaigns
- The transition to civilian life has been troublesome for far too many
- Lack of programs to support PTSD
- Lack of vocational training programs
- Lack of support efforts after transition has begun (eg – support teams post-employment)
- Battling against mental health issues and the high suicide rate among US Veterans
- Work closely with the VA and other organizations to provide adequate services to help soldiers transition back to civilian life
- Coordinate efforts amongst agencies and organizations to address PTSD and increase resources available to US Veterans
- Work with existing vocational training organizations as well as employers to provide meaningful employment for soldiers transitioning back to civilian life
- Taking on mental health issues and providing support to US Veterans as well as their immediate families

Veterans in the Classroom
Education Programs using VR and Google Mapping technologies

Adopt History Mobile App

Veteran Portal Mobile App

Adopt History Veterans Centers

Cup O’ Joe Mental Health Project
Digital social contracts to track therapy sessions